If you want your tiny home to be as efficient as possible, you want it to be as insulated and warm as possible. While many people remember to insulate the walls and the roof, they forget to insulate or heat the floor. Want a tiny house that’s relatively impervious to the hot and cold? Then, check out these ideas for insulating your floor:
1. Insulating layer
As you build your tiny home, crawl underneath it, and apply some insulation below the floor joists.…
Carpet tiles are gaining popularity because they are easy to install and an interesting alternative to the traditional roll of carpet, but they can also be super fun. That’s what makes them great for kids’ bedrooms and playrooms in particular. Looking for ideas? Here are five fun carpet tile ideas to consider for your kids’ playroom:
1. Create a multi-coloured design.
With carpet tiles, you can choose your kids favourite colours or even every colour in the rainbow, and you can create a custom multi-coloured design for their floor.…
The type of floor in a home has a very heavy impact on its’ value. The following are some floor types and rooms in a home that each type is best suitable.
Laminate flooring
Laminates come in different types. They could either come as planks or tiles. They can resemble real wood but they are not. Basically, the top most layer is a coating made of plastic that is applied above a photograph.…