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Tips to Ensure You Have the Best Wooden Deck for a Long Time to Come

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A wooden deck makes a beautiful addition to your outdoor space, providing a surface for various outdoor activities. However, being constantly stepped upon and exposed to the elements, it takes a lot of abuse. This means that proper precautions must be taken both during construction and maintenance in order to prevent deterioration/damage. Read on for three important aspects related to this. Material selection You must ensure that you’ve selected durable timber to maintain structural integrity throughout the deck’s lifetime.…

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The Benefits of Bamboo Versus Other Timber Flooring

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A homeowner has many options and choices when it comes to the species of trees used for timber flooring, including rich mahogany and cherry wood or very affordable pine and oak. While each of these woods will have their own advantages, you might note a few reasons why bamboo flooring is such a popular option and why it can be the best choice for your home as well. You can then discuss this choice with a flooring installer or manufacturer, and they can determine if bamboo floors would work for your home.…

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